Drive-In Pheasant Hunt
Enjoy 160 acres of first-class habitat with strategically placed food plots located right on our property. A mix of wild and released birds are unpressured, reserved exclusively for you! We invite you to come on out and experience it for yourself!
When adding a pheasant hunt on with your preexisting waterfowl package, please reserve at the time of reservation!
1 day hunt MAX. during waterfowl season!
Reservations between October 16 - November 25 are reserved strictly for our waterfowl clients.
Tax is not included.
PHEASANT ONLY RATE: $400 / Gun / Day
Available Dates:
December 1 - 22, 2021
January 3 - 31, 2022
Tax is not included.
Daily Limit: 3 Rooster Pheasants
Shooting Hours: 10 A.M. to Sunset
Group Size Requirements - Private Field!
6 Minimum ​
12 Maximum
50% Deposit Due to Reserve Date​
Bird Cleaning & Packaging: $5 / Bird ​
Licensing / Gear / Gun / Shells are the hunter's responsibility!
Professional Dog & Guide are Provided
Trained Dogs are Welcome
We implement a Zero Tolerance Policy! No exceptions.
Negligence in the field will result in loss of deposit and hunting experience.